Monday 22 June 2009

Elegant Tailored Style vs Eclectic Style

Following on from yesterday's post about a more simplistic, tailored, elegant look I thought these images Joni posted last week fitted right in. I know my mother loves reading Joni's blog and has probably already seen these beautiful images and saved them in her 'I love' files. I too saved them in my files as I thought they were divine.

After thinking some more about my discussion with mum yesterday I wonder whether as I grow older I will crave a more pared back classic look. I think I have developed my look of mixing styles because it is unique to me and maybe because it is a younger version of my mother's style. I certainly won't be changing my style anytime soon so don't worry but as I said yesterday I do question my look every now and then and it will be interesting to see it evolve over time. I think that's the great thing about having a blog in that it can be a record of one's personal style and it's evolution over time.

I'd be interested to know what style you love. Do you prefer an eclectic 'uniquely me' look or a more pared back elegant tailored classic look?


  1. Hi Anna. I stumbled across your blog a few months ago. I have to say that your design taste has finally confirmed for me that I also love mixing classic design with a wee modern twist.. Although when I see classic styles I wonder weather my "stamp" will run the test of time?? I have looked through all of your files and they have become, of sorts a reference point for inspiration. You are incredibly talented, and a true inspiration to me, so thank you.
    Becky (NZ)xo
    (ps when is your website going to be up and running?, I will be visiting your store in August yayyyyy)

  2. I guess I need COLOR, and on June 15. you had photos from "Positive &Uplifting", and that is more the style I like. Classic formal style is ok, but reminds me often about hotels more than a home.

  3. At ShopCurious, we're definitely in favour of eclectic style - it's possible to be minimalist, but to add quirky touches of originality, or to be totally over the top cluttered and maximalist. Individual creative expression is so much more interesting than the blandness of copycat interior design.

  4. I think certain spaces require symmetry (especially large, classical homes) with the odd kooky piece to make it informal, and smaller, cosier houses can take bolder colours, patterns and mis-matched pieces. What style of architecture to find yourself often attracted to working with and how does it affect your design choices? I find your work so inspiring, it's fascinating to see a part of your process.

  5. I prefer to mix both and as a result of living in a lot of countries tend to mix items that I have purchased from different countries. That said the french always say that the houses that I work in here have style and are oh so french which I guess is not a bad thing.
    The french have a great love for chinoise as I found out when I used a lot of chinoise in one chambre.
    We have plans to purchase a house in Morocco so I am sure that there will be a little of everything including french!

    Leeann x

  6. To me a perfect mix is both a classic tailored look and eclectic.

    We are a young family so this is perfect for our lifestyle. And I love being surrounded by colour, it makes me happy!

  7. I so love all your images, you just find the most inspiring images & comments. I have to say I really love the elegant tailored classic look, I will create it one day once the kids grow older & apreciate it. I don't think I could cope with crumbs & spilt milk on the upholstry at the moment hee. One day!! :)

  8. Incredible Anna. I have Gwen McCaw's house and the second gorgeous dining room (pink and gray) in my file for a while too. I still remember looking at the magazine issue and admiring how beautiful McCaw looked in a picture while dancing with her kids. I think that's what makes a good designer, like you. Always evolving over time. That is a main part of being eclectic.

  9. I like a mixture of "me" and "classic scaled back"... I have lots of treasures that reflect "me"... like to have them around to look at..

    Happy Week Everyone!

  10. Those curtains are incredible! I love that they are pulled back so high up! I don't know if I've ever seen that before... They are so awesome.

  11. I certainly prefer an eclectic style, the pictures above are beautiful, but too styled and formal for my personal taste.
    I love a little chaos, much more color, a lived-in house with nooks and crannies, the occasional mess and lots of personality, nothing, where I get the feeling I have seen it all before! Nothing like a period room from a design schoolbook...

  12. WOW! You are so talented! I definitely like the eclectic "uniquely me" style.. Awesome blog!

  13. I go back and forth about this all the time. I think a little eclectic is a good thing. That is what makes is personal and not like it is copied straight from a mag or catalog. Although I think if I had to go totally tailored these images would be right up my ally.... wow beautiful. I love your style.. it is what makes your blog so popular! Keep up the great work!
    xx Trina

  14. The older I get, the more classic refined I like. I think it's a trade up for me, as I have more money, I get nicer things, better artwork etc. I still LOVE mixing it up and I really love it's a true melange...Interesting question

  15. I find this discussion really interesting....I do love the classic, refined look, but I somehow think that you need the house and budget to as I don't have the home (or $$) to match,I tend to go for more of the eclectic look...I do also love colour (especially blue), and I tend to be a maximalist, which probably fits the more eclectic style anyway...but I can always dream!!!

  16. I have had the first two images in my "love file" for years now. I have always loved a classic, refined style and probably always will. They are always the images that make my heart stop.

    I do appreciate all styles though, although some styles I like prefer more than others. But the bottom line is always classic, elegant furnishings. I prefer classic, elegant clothing as well.

  17. I definately love a mix, I live in a 200 year old farmhouse and mix everything, I love modern and antique pieces together. I get bored easily somedays I am obsessed with a Windsor chair the next an extremely modern white laquer chair...I can never chose so i mix it all up.

  18. i admire classic homes, but live in an eclectic one, where some things match and others don't, with some high end pieces that i saved for and other pieces that i got for a song at a flea market - nothing is precious. besides, i have two little boys who use our model eiffel towers as rockets and my eames rocker as a car ramp! ps. i wouldn't have it any other way - it's our home!! x

  19. I absolutely love the look in these pictures...i guess this is elegantly tailored. i think eclectic is more difficult to pull takes a professional like yourself to do it!

  20. Very elegant and chic!
    I like the pink&white stripes chair...You are always an inspiration!

  21. I loooooooooooove the draped doorway. Gorgeous!

  22. Pared back elegant is easy - only YOU can do your unique look - I prefer it always!
