Saturday 30 May 2009

A Bed for Ned

Ideally it would have been great to have had a bed built for Ned just like this one above when we were renovating last year however, we weren't considering a new puppy at that time. So, after all my thoughts of where or what Ned will sleep in it seems he has opted for the easiest option of all. He loves to sleep on a towel, albeit an Ralph Lauren towel, on the floor right next to my side of our bed....yes I know I am a softie letting him sleep inside but that's just the way I am. I couldn't sleep knowing he was outside all on his own. He has found his resting spot and I'm thrilled.

Image 1 - via Brabourne Farm Blog


  1. Oh my goodness, he's precious.

  2. Ned is indeed an absolutely beautiful thing! He looks so soft & cuddly and is obviously already feeling quite at home with you.

  3. Too cute. Yes I am a softy too and can't bear the thought of our doggy sleeping outside. We've had her for 9 years. She sleeps in a bed next to my son. Very sweet :)

  4. Oh Anna that's lovely.... They give you so much love and its perfect for them to be close to you. Breaks my heart to see dogs not being treated as they should be. And Ralph Lauren, great to see he is only starting off with the best!!!!

  5. Ohh, he is so cute ! What breed is he ?

  6. What anadorable puppy! I just wanted to stop and say "Hi!" I love your blog x

  7. OMGoodness how cute is he! I need to come over and love him!

  8. Be still my heart! Ned is completely adorable. But of course he must sleep inside. How could it be otherwise!

  9. I just love reading your blog. Your look is so fresh.

  10. Keeping blogging about him, he's so precious!

  11. Anna, he is absolutely divine! Of course he belongs next to you, and our precious pups deserve the best. Ned is on his very own(!) Ralph Lauren towel, my retriever Max loves his bemboka throw! He's just gorgeous, enjoy:-) Claire

  12. lovely wee dog you have there...

    great posting and i love the image of the mudroom with all the wellies...

  13. Such a darling, well remember those days, these little guys grow so much faster then children, soon you'll have that big dog!
    I love the name: Ned!
    Good for you to have him close.

  14. He is precious!!! I foster for my local gold retriever rescue and there is nothing better than a golden. I am so excited for you!

  15. I think they need the companionship and my puppy (although she is 12) sleeps on her bed beside our bed. Have fun.

  16. Oooooh! What an adorable cutie! I just want to snuggle with him on his (ahem) Ralph Lauren towel. I have rabbits, though, and I don't think they'll like me if I smell like a doggie! =D

  17. Adorable. He's far too dear to be outside. He'll be forever devoted.

  18. Sweet, the dog has good taste in towels at an early age...
    Dogs are family...we do not put family outside to sleep? ok only when camping...and then in a travel trailer with a bathroom and tv...
    We had a greyhound and 2 cats that slept on our bed...they were my 3 fury daughters, my human daughters had bedrooms down the hall.
    oh, by the way, great name "Ned"
    Regards, Carol Ann

  19. Awww, a sweet puppy... I would definitely let him stay in... Even when he gets big. I have a friend who let her retriever stay in.

  20. OMG Ned is ADORABLE!!! Is he a Golden Retriever? SO sweet, I bet he is so much fun! I adore puppy kisses!

  21. Oh, that little Ned........isn't he a cutie?

    Warm blessings,

  22. So sweet and cuddly! Congrats on the new pup! I miss those years! when he could just sit on my lap! Mine is now 130lbs!

  23. He is adorable, Congratulations!!

  24. OK Ned is the sweetest little thing ever. No way I could have him sleep outdoors. Plus, where I grew up in Westchester County, NY people never left their dogs outside. It was a strange realization to me that it was common practice to keep your dog outside. Suddenly a dog house made more sense to me than just as sun shade and a cute little structure in the back yard. I don't have a dog yet (working on the husband) but ours will sleep in doors. If the cats are any indication the dog will likely be on the bed between us. (LOL)

  25. What an adorable puppy. He looks so content.


  26. aaaawwwww... how cute!!

  27. He is absolutely adorable! He looks so soft and fluffy, I'd cuddle right up next to him!

  28. Oh, so cute. Ned has good taste too!

  29. Ah, Ned is precious and it looks like he did find a very cozy spot to sleep : ).

    Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas

  30. Oh my gosh he's SO adorable!

  31. How cute he looks adorable & what good taste finding a spot on a Ralph loren lauren towel I can see he will grow with style (hee), it brings back the memories of my dog when she was a little puppy, they grow so quickly.

  32. Anna, what an adorable little "fur person" he is, may you have many happy years watching him grow and be part of your family. I can see lots of happy snaps coming up. Nice blanky!

  33. Hi Anna! I love, love your blog. Ned is a cutie. Indeed puppies should be allowed to sleep next to their new humans. So, well done!

  34. Dogs need companionship; it's good to have them indoors. I think they are even more protective and alert that way, as well. My husband does draw the line, however, at having them actually in our bed--mainly because they begin to take over the whole thing for themselves!

  35. Oh my blog - cutest puppy ever!!!

  36. What a gorgeous little pup! I have a big black lab who thinks he is a pup and is by my side 24/7. Puppies are so much fun!!! You guys will love every minute of it!! Love your blog!!! :-)

  37. Ned will be most stylish 'baby' at Puppy Pre-School classes Anna! Would you reconsider renaming your blog - Absolutely Beautiful Dogs & Things?!
    Millie ^_^

  38. We had a "golden" for 13 years and you will be amazed at how wonderful this breed is. he was a big part of my son's growing up years and was another human as far as we were concerned. Goldens are a fabulous breed, so intelligent, and a real family dod. Enjoy and be prepared to fall in love.

  39. Anna that is too cute. When can I cuddle Ned???

  40. He is beyond gorgeous. Just think, he's protection should anyone break in! (Maybe not right this second, but someday...)

  41. Anna, Ned is just super - I am sure Harry will treasure him as his bestest firend ever! I am so pleased you named hime a unique 'human like' name. Our 2 'fur babies' Lucy & Zach seemed as spoiled as what your Ned is too! I think he'll be a great addition to your family and also great company whilst your working from home, or at the office!
    Take care, S x

  42. Thank you for the congrats and sweet comment. And congrats to you on your new puppy. He is absolutely adorable! I couldn't resist him sleeping by my bed either. Can't wait to see more pics as he grows.
    xx Trina

  43. What a beautiful blog! And a beautiful dog? And just a question.. why on earth would you not let your dog sleep inside? To me it would be like making my children sleep outdoors!

  44. I just found your blog, and I think it is great. I do also have a golden retriever, and they are the best dogs ever (despite all the hair is to come...) Enjoy your puppy - they grow way to fast :D!

  45. Awwww... I love Ned!!!! I also adore that dog bed. I've given you a shout-out over at Urban Flea for this post, thanks for it! Cheers my dear!
    xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)

  46. Yes, for my appetizer I'd like an order Of Ned sleeping on a Ralph Lauren towel please...

  47. Oh my goodness!!!!! What an adorable puppy! What kind of dog is it?

  48. Just catching up on my blog reads (I'm way behind). Ned is the cutest thing I have ever seen... I have a 6 year old golden. They are the best pets- EVER!

  49. Anna, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen! And your gallery wall looks terrific.

  50. He is so cute...... I love your blog! Anette

  51. He is adorable! And he will make a great addition to any photo you take of a finished project. Puppies curled up on the floor or the sofa always make a space look so much more comfortable and inviting.
