Thursday 26 March 2009

Weekend Flowers

I think I might break my budget again this weekend and head off to buy myself some more fresh flowers! I'm off now until next week. I have a busy weekend planned which will be fun!

Thanks again for your lovely emails and comments this week. You are amazing!

Image - Flickr


  1. There's no such thing as breaking a budget for fresh flowers ... all that money you spend on beautiful things comes back to you in other ways. Doesn't it?

  2. I love fresh flowers! I picked up some great bulbs in glass vases last week at costco for only $15 for 4 different vases/flowers. They bloomed this week, check out my blog for photos.

  3. Thanks for your e-mail,relax and enjoy the weekend,i´m agree with the firts msg,always with fresh flowers!

  4. I love fresh flowers especially roses, we don't have anywhere in our country town to buy a good bunch of flowers except the local florist. So my hubby scouts around the neighbourhood occassionally to put together a gorgeous bunch of the most fragrant roses for me which I must say really makes my weekend. He can be so romantic when he wants a fishing buddy LOL
    I really don't mind sitting out on the lake in a tinny if i can have fresh flowers to come home to..

  5. When it comes to fresh flowers...there is no budget! Enjoy picking out your flowers Anna, you deserve a treat at the end of a hard week.
    Ness xx

  6. What a joy to see your lovely photos and you live in Brissy!!

    I am thinking of re-decorating my room. Your blog will be a great inspiration! Thanks Anna. I will definatelly visit your store iff I ever go to Brisbane.

    Also, I was just wondering if I could swap link with you ~ ?

    Have an enchanting day,

  7. Beautiful photograph. Nice to look at when it raining outside here in D.C.

  8. I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, when I really needes something beautiful in my life! Just wanted to say thank you - you give me inspiration and I love your style!

  9. ofcourse you should buy the fresh flowers!! spring is da house ;)

  10. That is an incredibly beautiful picture!

  11. what a lovely photo! Thank you for all your lovely photos.I really enjoy coming here!

  12. Budget Schmudget ~ you deserve beautiful flowers, Anna! I've been trying to do without them but went to the markets yesterday and bought a small bunch of the most glorious pink Nerines and I'm so glad I did. {Not so keen on the nose but the visual is gorgeous.} I'll cut back on something frivolous instead, like fresh fruit and veges.

  13. I visited your lovely florist today and bought a few things too!

  14. I visited your lovely florist today and bought a few things too!

  15. I wish I had money to buy fresh flowers:( Boston is suppose to have some amazing fresh flower markets around, but I have not found any yet. It needs to be spring here!!!

  16. Have a great weekend Anna. I need to go and get some flowers too...thanks for the reminder.

  17. It's not breaking the budget. Flowers are as essential as tea and coffee. Hang in there.

  18. Flowers aren't a luxury, they are a must. break the budget. It saves on shrink bills, later.

  19. Love the photo of the flowers! Poppies? I'm ready for spring. We just had a little blizzard here in Colorado. cheers, -susan

  20. California poppies are one of my favorite flowers....I would love to see the flowers after you purchase them!

  21. What a beautiful blog Anna.

    Like lots of others here, I put flowers at the top of my 'essentials' list each week.

    Melbourne's climate isn't always great but it is good for gardening and we have lots of fabulous markets which means there is always something in bloom that won't break the bank. We are so lucky.

  22. Gorgeous Photo, every home should have beautiful flowers! I have been very lucky this week and recieved four bouquets as gifts so my home is looking and smelling fabulous. Hope you had a good weekend, fab blog btw X

  23. I went a little overboard this weekend buying flowers to plant in the garden, hope I can get them all in before we leave for Paris. Hmm...wonder what's blooming there....

  24. I've always said that one of the benefits of being wealthy is you can have beautiful flowers all of the time. As for your poppy picture, I planted some Oriental poppies in my mother's yard because she received more sunshine than me (she lived nearby,) and she would always call and say, "Your poppies are opening." Sadly left behind when the house was sold.

  25. you have beatiful blog.
    I love the flower picture.
