Thursday 27 March 2008

A Pretty Little Cottage

I love this gorgeous little White timber cottage which has just gone on the market around the corner from where I live. Every time I go to the supermarket I drive past this house and I have always loved it and then just last week I drove past it and there was a for sale sign out the front of it. Unfortunately this house will have to be someone else's as we just bought our house late last year and we are about to embark on a large renovation and I know it is going to be beautiful but I love this house too! My poor husband married me knowing I had an obsession with pretty houses and I think he almost has a heart attack whenever I call him saying "Oh Honey, you know that pretty house which I have loved forever and ever it's just gone on the market......etc. etc. etc." Does anyone else out there have an obsession with pretty houses and searching on because let me tell you I almost think I have a severe problem!!!


  1. No Anna you are definately not alone ;)

    That cottage is gorgeous.

    Anna :)

  2. I think we should start a support group for those of us obsessive types. It's a very cute house.

  3. I am forever looking for that diamond in the rough.
    do they have "flip this house" in australia?
    perhaps you could flip your house for that one?
    perhaps not.
    too funny!

  4. Anna:

    not only do i absolutley love little cottages i want one near the beach...and i love looking in the windows of houses i like to see the decor....can't help it!!

  5. Hi Anna, This is the first time I'm commenting, I just recently found your nice blog.
    I'm looking on real estate websites almost every day although I have no plans to move in the near future. I just like looking at pretty houses and maybe someday my dreamhouse comes along, who knows :) But my husband is getting a little tired from time to time when I'm showing him again another house ;)

  6. how much does it cost to have this much fun??

  7. Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm stalking them when I take photos of their houses. You are definitely not alone.

  8. I live in a tiny little cottage, a block away from some much bigger & more expensive cottages that I regularly drool over on my daily walks. But if I was rich enough to afford one of those, I would definitely hire a cleaning service. I love my little cottage but it is about all the "mess" I want to have to deal with for now.

  9. Hi Anna,

    I've been reading your blog for a few months now and I just love your passion and enthusiasm for all things beautiful. Much of my day to day work is very intense so your site is great in sending me to another place in time whisking me away from the ills of the world. And you're a great inspiration for my own home renovations.

    Thanks for your website which doesn't just showcase beautiful things but a beautiful soul.

    Avid fan - Angela.

  10. Absolutely! They are a constant source of inspiration for me! What's more I save pictures on iphoto so I can refer back to my favourite pictures later!

  11. I think I drive my hubby crazy at times, I love looking at homes and fall in love with them all the time! I love this cottage, a home just came on the market intown that has a cortyard a bit like this one. I am dying to get a peek inside:)

  12. Your so not alone! What an adorable little dream house. If only they had one that looked like that in NYC. I'm so in the wrong market!

    Thank you for sharing :)

  13. oh I am definitely a real estate only saving grace lately has been my new obsession of blogging !!!

  14. .....I should add there are also etsy and ebay.....these are my other obsessions that take me away from the real estate long as it's a well balanced obsession i think we're ok.....aren't we.....or is it just me ?? eeek !!!

  15. i do the same thing!!!! you are not alone!!!

  16. Hi Anna,
    I was like you for years - addicted to looking at other houses. But I can honestly say that eventually you will find that you're satisfied with yours. Once your own house is finished, you'll love it so much, you'll find you haven't looked at a real estate site for ages. But, until then, there's no harm - you're constantly redefining your own style and having fun by looking at what else is out there.

  17. Trust me, I share your obsession!! :) I envy all owners of cute little houses!

  18. I have an obsession with pretty homes too exterior and interior which drives my husband mad especially when we travel!

  19. hi anna, i love your blog. i live in brisbane & was wondering what suburb this in ? very different from the usual Queenslanders

  20. So quaint!

