Friday 14 March 2008

Happy Weekend!

Here's to a Happy Weekend for all! I'm hoping to spend some time in my garden tomorrow which I hope will one day look like this one - a little overgrown, a little imperfect but full of lots of wonderful things to pick for vases on tables inside the house!!


  1. Hi,
    I came across your blog this morning. What a beautiful picture! It makes me want to get out in my garden too.

  2. What a beautiful garden it is!!
    It's like a dream for me, as I am a Japanese I'd like to have a garden like Tasha Tudor's, but mine is really Japanese style and it's boring, lol.
    Yours is soooooooo beautiful and lovely! I wish I could stay in the cottage or house lise this...

  3. I always called those kinds English country gardens as I was growing up, and always planned on having one eventually. Too bad I turned out not to be a gardener, lol!

  4. love the picture anna am posting some white kitchens this week that you would love

  5. Hello Anna,
    It is nice to "see" you as I type! Gardens...a piece of paradise. You are so right on the spot to dream about one like this. I have thought of the layout of the tiny garden in the house that we havebeen building even before I thought of the actual rooms.
    Happy gardening!

  6. I have always wanted a brick path in my garden.

  7. Overgrown and imperfect gardens have the most character, I think!
    You make me wish it were spring here already.

  8. Unfortunately living in an apartment I have no real garden to speak of but I do have containers everywhere. I just planted pepper, tomato, strawberry, carrot and sunflower seeds. Fingers crossed that they germinate!

