Wednesday 5 December 2007

Today I Love

I really love this image. The white and caramel colour palette and the display of beautiful things is just so simple, beautiful and fresh and I am a fan of the painting hung over the books like that - I think it adds that little bit of imperfection which you all know I love!!


  1. That's an interesting one...painting infront of the books..hmm maybe I should give it a try:-)

  2. I love this picture. It looks like the bookcases surround the front door, which is so unusual. I think this would be a great way to design a living room that connects to a family room - have bookcases surround the door on both sides.

  3. I've been in that room! I have a flickr set of the whole house
    It realy is a lovely room.

  4. I think every room needs a bit of imperfection, to really feel inviting.

  5. Fun visiting you!
    Great taste!!

  6. Wow I love the concept of pictures over a book shelf. I have never seen that before, its intriguing.

  7. oh how I *wish* I had book shelves like these.. these are beautiful!!!!!

  8. It is a stunning layout.Isn't it perfect that the books have all have a creamish covering... thanks for sharing

  9. It is lovely. It would be great to have a wall of books like this.

  10. Yes, I love the painting stashed away into the books,. . .however to do so in our library? Well, I fear for my husbands's health as he likes all thing orderly & by design~~we are truly a tribute to opposites attract!!!!! Besides, he built our library so I must acquiesce(sp?) on occasion!

  11. A really beautiful image--the colour palette is so relaxing and I've always loved paintings hung on bookcases!
