Tuesday 6 March 2007

Swirly Curly Garden Furniture

One of my favourite haunts in Brisbane imports these wonderful French vintage iron garden chairs and tables and after reading Stylecourt's post about swirly curly outdoor furniture this week I remembered the gorgeous chairs I purchased for Black & Spiro late last year. I think we should try to get some more for the shop because I remember that we only had them in the front window for 2 days and then they were gone! Thanks Stylecourt for triggering my memory!!


  1. Those are gorgeous! They also remind me how badly I want spring to get here. It's aparently -42 celsius here today - AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

  2. I think so to Kim!! I could imagine having a tea party in the garden with this gorgeous furniture and vintage tea cups and lots of those yummy cupcakes like you posted on Desire to Inspire last week!!

  3. I have a swirly curly French chair in my garden. It is rusting with age but I am reluctant to repaint it as it would loose its charm

  4. I love them they are preatty unique and different. I hate winter, so I can imagine an outside get together too. How fun.

  5. These must have looked so striking in the window. Thanks for the mention :)

  6. Not today though Anna. Rain at last!

  7. Wow...they are stunning and SO romantic!!
