Monday 26 March 2007

A Summery Porch

I love this Summery white porch by Jed Johnson above. In Australia we would call an area like this a verandah but I love the American term for it which is "porch".


  1. I would have so many dinner parties if my porch looked half as good as this one! Love those chairs.

  2. I totally love that table...I`m looking for exactly THAT one

  3. So lovely! Here in the American South some people call certain porches verandas too :)

  4. I much prefer "veranda" -- I am Canadian though and, to me, it just has an air of class about it.. the way it rolls of the tongue, rather than flat "porch" which rhymes with scorch. I know that's all strange!
    I love the chairs... I want to sit and enjoy a salad of fresh spring greens and a cool strawberry margarita. Yum...

  5. Oh, to even have a veranda/porch/lanai. It's so much easier to meet your neighbors when you sit outside watching the sun set and the children play.

  6. That is so lovely. I could definitley handle one of those off the back of my house. (Sigh!)

  7. I love the word veranda. Much more beautiful than porch. k

  8. this is soo beautiful!! i love it, we call it veranda in sweden aswell but I love the word porch! the table is fantastic!!xx
